
Introkreatywne Niskopoziomowe Doznania


We create intros - tiny programs that generate real-time animations. Small size of executables is achieved by mixing smart mathematics with extremely optimized low-level code.

Assembly line service

Pirx - coder from Poland

Tigrou - coder from Belgium


Our 256B and smaller intros work in MS-DOS and all Windows versions up to XP. If you have another operating system, or for some reason you are not able to run the intros, you can use DOSBox emulator, setup some DOS compatible environment, or just watch online videos.

momentum.png Momentum

4 kilobytes procedural graphics coded by Tigrou
released in January 2014

zmora.png ZMORA - Zaawansowana Magia Obejmuje Rozumienie Asemblera
(The Advanced Magic Includes Understanding Of Assembler)

256 bytes intro coded by Pirx
released in November 2010

64-1.png 64:1

64 bytes procedural graphics coded by Pirx
released in December 2009

ind.png IND - Intra - Nasza Demoscena
(Intros - Our Demoscene)

256 bytes intro coded by Tigrou and Pirx
released in February 2009

nietakt.png NIETAKT - Nieprzyzwoite I Ekstatyczne Techniki Aplikowania Kobietom Testosteronu
(Indecent And Ecstatic Techniques Of Injecting Women With Testosterone)

256 bytes cracktro coded by Pirx
released in June 2008

magnetar.png MAGNETAR - Magia Asemblera Generuje Nadmiar Estetyki w Totalnie Absurdalnym Rozmiarze
(The Assembler Magic Generates Excess Of Elegance In Totally Absurd Size)

128 bytes intro coded by Pirx
released in April 2008

clitoris.png CLITORIS - Co Lubimy: Intra, Twarde Optymalizacje, Relaks I Seks
(What We Like: Intros, Hard Optimizations, Relaxation And Sex)

256 bytes intro coded by Pirx and Tigrou
released in December 2007

oko.png OKO - Obydwaj Kodujemy Ostro
(We Both Code Hard)

128 bytes intro coded by Pirx and Tigrou
released in October 2007

fosfor.png FOSFOR - Filtracja Obrazu Satelitarnego Flory Obcoplanetarnej Rzeki
(Filtering The Satellite Image Of Foreign-Planet River's Flora)

32 bytes intro coded by Pirx
released in August 2007

phobia.png PHOBIA - Piekielna Hybryda Obcej Biologii Impulsem Apokalipsy
(Infernal Hybrid Of Alien Biology Is Apocalypse's Impulse)

256 bytes intro coded by Pirx and Tigrou
released in April 2007

quantic.png QUANTIC - Quadratic Universe Accepts Noiselessly The Immaculate Chaos

256 bytes intro coded by Pirx and Tigrou
released in March 2007

materia.png MATERIA - Magiczne Algorytmy To Efekty Relaksu I Alkoholu
(Magical Algorithms Are Effects Of Relaxation And Alcohol)

32 bytes intro coded by Pirx
released in February 2007

kobra.png KOBRA - Koderski Obraz Bezustannie Rozjuszonej Anakondy
(Coders' Imagination Of Incessantly Furious Anaconda)

256 bytes intro coded by Tigrou and Pirx
released in February 2007

wirus.png WIRUS - Wynik Irracjonalnie Rzadkiego Uprawiania Seksu
(The Outcome Of Irrational Rarity Of Making Sex)

256 bytes intro coded by Pirx
released in November 2006

acidcandy.png AcidCandy

256 bytes intro coded by Tigrou
released in August 2006

pestka.png PESTKA - Prawdziwa Elegancja Spotyka Twardy Kod Asemblerowy
(Genuine Elegance Meets Hard Assembly Code)

256 bytes intro coded by Pirx
released in May 2006

tempo.png TEMPO - Trans Erogennych Mikrostruktur Podczas Orgazmu
(Trance Of Erogenous Microstructures During Orgasm)

256 bytes intro coded by Pirx
released in March 2006

popis.png POPIS - Prawdopodobnie Ona Pragnie Innowacji Seksualnych
(She Probably Desires The Sexual Innovations)

32 bytes intro coded by Pirx
released in February 2006

feniks.png FENIKS - Fale Estrogenu Na Intymnym Kobiecym Spojrzeniu
(The Waves Of Estrogen In Intimate Womanly Gaze)

32 bytes intro coded by Pirx
released in October 2004

setka.png SETKA - Silnie Erotyczne Takty Koprocesora Arytmetycznego
(Intensely Erotic Tacts Of Arithmetic Coprocessor)

256 bytes intro coded by Pirx
released in July 2004


For more tiny demos visit HardCode. You can get there unique, world-biggest collection of the smallest PC intros - in one ZIP archive! All productions are collected and precisely sorted by Pirx. Enjoy!

Get the information about the art of 256B intros by reading Quarterrific Assemblessings article (PDF format):
English version
Polish version

done by IND - for your pleasure